Travel Diaries: The South America Lessons Learned

Posted May 7, 2013 / By Tiffany / 0 Comments
Every time I come back from a long trip (okay, I’ve only done two in my life, but STILL), I’ve found solo traveling to be a great time for reflection and realizations. Each trip has had its own themes. My first trip to Southeast Asia was all about learning how to live in the moment, accept …
The Bolivia (and Peru) Travel Diaries: Links, Links, and More Links…

Posted March 30, 2013 / By Tiffany / 0 Comments
So I have a confession to make: I actually have two travel blogs/diaries. One is for myself personally (this one), which allows me to be fully honest and rant and rave about not only my travels, but my personal life. And the other one is for the general public and people interested in travel (as …
La Paz: Walking Slow and The Valley of the Moon

Posted February 3, 2013 / By Tiffany / 0 Comments
A girl tapped me on the shoulder and said to me in English, “Can you look at my bag for me for a second?” “Sure, I’ll watch your bag, no problem.” While she was gone, I noticed the button on her bag that said “Berkeley”. “Did you go to Berkeley?” I asked her when she …
Welcome to Bolivia: 24 Hours in Copacabana

Posted February 2, 2013 / By Tiffany / 1 Comment
While my guide back in Puno told me that Copa would be just like Puno (“it’s the same lake”, he told me) my other friends said otherwise. “It’s just a small beachside town of about 6,000 people where you can meet hippies and hang out by the lake” Penny told me. The trip to Copacabana, …